2010 Judges
Cate Atkinson; General Manager, City of Playford Cate has worked with the City of Playford for 12 years and as General Manager for the last 7. She has a diverse portfolio encompassing the corporate performance of Finance, Risk and Procurement; People, Culture and Knowledge; Parks and Open Space; and City Development More recently her portfolio included Urban Regeneration; and Social Planning and Community Development She has been involved in strategic planning for nearly 30 years, and has significant experience in both the private sector and local government in strategy and policy, development services, environmental assessment, and community consultation and advocacy. |
Des Commerford Des Commerford is currently the Acting State Manager for the SA Division of the 91porn. He recently retired from an extensive career in Local Government of more than 30 years. Des is a former President and Vice President of the Division and is a Life Fellow of the 91porn. |
Mario Dreosti Mario Dreosti a Director of Brown Falconer and current Vice President of the Australian Institute of Architects Sa Chapter. Mario is involved in urban planning and place making commentary through roles with the Property Council and Aged Care Services Australia where there is a particular focus on the needs of the elderly. Mario “is most proud of the public awareness of design and environment which is currently evidenced in Adelaide – something we must further develop”. |
Kylie Fergusen Kylie is an experienced planner with over twenty years of experience in strategic and social planning, academia, community engagement, and training. Her focus is on social justice - encouraging collaborative approaches between the melting pot of allied built and social environment professions, and pushing for policy decisions that improve not just our lives, but those of our kids and the generations to come. She has worked in rural and regional areas as well as cities, across federal, state and local government, in local villages in Indonesia and the Philippines, in academia in the UK and Australia, and has project managed major strategic planning and consultation projects for government, mining industry and road, gas and telecommunications infrastructure projects. |
Donna Ferretti Donna has over 25 years experience in the planning field, having worked in local government, state government, the university sector and as a planning consultant. She is particularly interested in enhancing sustainable, socially inclusive and environmentally responsible development outcomes through the effective integration of strategic planning policy with development assessment and social planning processes. |
Angela Hazebroek Angela Hazebroek is currently the President of 91porn South Australia Division. She is a Director of URPS an Adelaide based planning consultant firm and has 25 years experience in Strategic and Social Planning. She is an experienced practitioner in a range of community consultation and engagement methods. Angela brings to her work a passionate commitment to sustainable outcomes in rural and regional communities having focussed on themes such as the protection of primary production land, positive ageing and ecologically responsible tourism development. |
Gary Mavrinac Gary Mavrinac has worked in various areas of environmental management and planning. His areas of specialisation are in urban and regional planning, strategic and policy planning and resource management. He has worked for State and Local Government as well as the private sector. Gary has been a member of the 91porn since the 1990s and a member of the Division Committee since 2000. He was State President from 2006-2008, as is currently the a Member of the Board and National Vice President. |
Barry Parsons Barry graduated from the undergraduate planning course at the South Australian Institute of Technology in 1975, and holds a BA in Planning and a Grad Dip in Environmental Planning. He is married, with two adult sons, one of whom has also entered the planning profession. Barry’s personal interests include camping, motorcycling and league ten pin bowling. |
Sandy Rix Is an urban designer and economist, is currently General Manager, Projects for the South Australian Government’s Land Management Corporation (LMC), responsible for strategic planning (including infill and TOD), and environmental services. As part of Sandy’s role, he is project director for the Bowden Urban Village, overseeing the master planning and feasibility assessments for this critically important place-making development. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Planning from the University of South Australia and a Master of Science in Urban and Regional Economics from the London School of Economics. Sandy Rix has broad experience as a planner and urban economist in both public and private sector projects in Adelaide including urban regeneration, place making, site and area strategic planning, preparation of design guidelines, and directing a range of economic development studies. He has worked mainly in the consulting sector in Adelaide with a three year stint in London as Head of Research for the chartered surveyors Sweby Cowan, which led to Sandy authoring a book on property investment in Europe. Following many years in planning and management consultancy, his passion and experience in urban design led to his appointment from 2000 to 2004 as Project Director for the planning, design and feasibility of the successful first stage of the North Terrace Redevelopment. |
Marcus Rolfe Skilled in policy development and strategic planning issues, Marcus is also widely recognised for his expertise in development assessment and facilitation. He regularly appears as an expert witness in the ERD Court, both in support of and opposing development proposals, giving him a strong understanding of the mechanics of the Development Plan. Having worked in both tiers of government and as a consultant in Adelaide and Sydney, Marcus also enjoys managing urban release strategies, master plans, DPAs and open space studies. This experience has consolidated his skills in consultation with public authorities, specialist groups and the general community, as well as the coordination of large, multi-disciplinary project teams. |
Mark Separovic An architect and a planner with over 20 years experience in a broad range of urban design, architectural, planning and landscape projects. He has specific skills in master planning, concept design, detailed design, documentation, project management and graphic presentation. He also has specialist skills in sustainable urban design guidelines, medium density and low cost housing, community neighbourhood centres, land divisions and transport orientated developments (TODs). As demonstrated on a number of recent award winning projects including the Victoria Square Ideas Competition, Glenelg Tramline Extension and Cheltenham Racecourse and Environs Precinct Masterplan, Mark has been keen to develop innovative and creative Sustainable Urban Design techniques that promote sustainable community outcomes. |
Simon Tonkin The Senior Principal of MasterPlan SA Pty Ltd, has a long and successful history providing independent professional advice to a range of clients in the private and public sector. These include local, State and federal governments, and State, national and international based business in the development, manufacturing, retail and service sectors. |